Is the Famous root beer discontinued? 

A lot of people have come up with this query. It may seem

hard for you to find any sort of soft drink packaged in aluminum cans in your local store for any

soft drinks. Now to answer that question, No, the Root beer is not discontinued. The company has simply started making aluminum can-free packaged products. The root beer comes solely in

aluminum cans, thus, are in a shortage of supply. People had hoarded a large number of products before and during the pandemic which created a shortage of supply all around the world.

What is root beer?

Root beer is a traditional American beverage made using the bark of the sassafras tree. It is one of the major carbonated drinks enjoyed worldwide. North America has been the major consumer of root beer since the earliest times. Companies such as Mug root beer, A& W, and Barq’s root beer are the most famous ones in America.

Barq’s root beer

Dating back to 1898, Barq’s was opened in Mississippi by Edward Charles and Edmond Barq. They

did not start production properly until the 1900s. After that, the brand blew up. Barq’s root beer has been America’s  go-to choice for root beer. The company was then purchased by coca-cola in 1995 and has remained in production since. The company since then has released a wide variety of flavors including caffeine-free formulas.

Why Barq’s root beer?

Barq’s root beer is known for its creamy taste, caffeine-based formula, and a wide variety of

flavors such as french vanilla, sassafras, peach, crème, soda floats, etc. And catchy slogans like

" Grab a Bar ", and " Barq has a bite " generally represent its sharp taste due to its caffeine formula. Even against a list of other root beer brands such as Mug root beer, and A& W root beer, Barq’s has remained undefeated. Americans do take their root beer seriously as this company has been in production since the 1900s and is still reigning among the top brands.

Why is there a Root beer Shortage?

One of the main suspected reasons for the shortage of root beer is increased demand, in the

pandemic, it is said that the buyers bought a lot of aluminum canned soft drinks and beverages out of fear which led to the shortage. The local retailers and distributors have said the same regarding the shortage of Barq’s root beer. The company might release the one-time use plastic bottle version soon.

The company is simply on a shortage of aluminum cans, which is said to have occurred during the pandemic. The new drink released by Barq’s called the Diet Barq’s root beer and the peach flavor was discontinued due to its caffeine-free formula and unwanted taste which might be confused with the original root beer. Barq’s root beer will be back on the shelves of your local Walmart within some time in probably a different packaging rather than the traditional aluminum cans. You should contact your local distributor regarding the shortage and when will the product come back

  1. Which flavors of Barq’s root beer were discontinued?

ANSWER) Flavors of peach and diet root beer were discontinued after being rejected by

customers worldwide. The caffeine formula made their root beer different from the others. It

gave the drink a sharp edge and a different flavor.

  1. When will Barq’s root beer finally come back?

ANSWER) The Coca-Cola Company has not said anything yet. It has been said canned packaging

may or may not return since the shortage. New bottled packaging will be produced and made


  1. Why is Barqs#39;s root beer still famous after 100 years of production?

ANSWER) root beer is Barqs#39;s most famous beverage made. Barq’s root beer comes in a variety of flavors and contains caffeine which is not an ingredient in most of the root beers available in the market. It gave the drink its sharp taste and made it so popular.

  1. Which company owns Barqs#39;s root beer?

ANSWER) Barq’s root beer is owned by Coca-Cola Company. It was taken under the coca-cola

company in 1995 and has remained under the Coca-Cola Company since.