ALDI Store at Oregon or Portland

There are more than ten thousand Aldi stores globally (20 countries). Out of which, more than two thousand stores are located in 38 different states and territories of the United States and more than a thousand cities. If you reside in Oregon or Portland, you might be wondering if, like the other states, is Aldi coming to Oregon any soon. Unfortunately, there are no Aldi stores in Oregon or Portland, and Aldi has no plans to expand more in the Western part of the United States, not even in Oregon or Portland. In the United States, the location of Aldi stores is mainly focused in the East. Only a few stores can be found in the West region of the United States, located in California. Illinois has the highest number of Aldi stores in the United States. More than two hundred Aldi stores can be found in Illinois (210 stores), nine percent of the total number of Aldi locations. In other words, an Aldi store for every sixty thousand people. After Illinois comes Florida and Ohio with 185 and 146 Aldi locations, respectively.

Reason for No ALDI Locations in Portland or Oregon

There can be many possible reasons why ALDI does not plan to be a part of Portland or Oregon for now. Aldi has been expanding itself and is now the third-largest grocery retail store in the United States. However, many places in states and territories being left out by ALDI in the United States might make you wonder why ALDI does not distribute their stores equally instead of opening many stores in the same states. Wondering questions is nothing wrong, but if you see ALDI’s strategy from a business point of view, it is clear and excellent. Florida is the state’s second-highest number of ALDI stores, and there is a reason for it. ALDI is targeting the most populous states of the United States. Currently, Florida has a population of twenty-one million and counting. This is why ALDI has 185 stores in Florida and not in Portland or Oregon. In other words, as mentioned above, the location of ALDI’s stores is focused in the Eastern part of the United States, and the reason for this is the same. The Eastern United States has more than double the West’s population. So, it is an apparent reason for a company to go with the regions baring more people, to get more benefits.

States and Territories with no ALDI stores

Many States and Territories in the United States already have enough ALDI locations, but there are 18 States and Territories without any ALDI stores. Most of these states are the Western United States. Puerto Rico, Alaska, Utah, Colorado, American Samoa, Oregon, Maine, Montana, Northern Mariana Islands, Idaho, Hawaii, Nevada, Louisiana, Wyoming, Washington, Guam, New Mexico, U.S Virgin Islands are the states that do not have an ALDI store.

However, ALDI may introduce a new store at any of the places in the United States anytime, where it is not currently present, but ALDI does not plan to introduce a new store in either of these locations any sooner.


Sadly, no ALDI locations are available in Oregon or Portland, and ALDI has no plans to introduce one. If you reside in places with no ALDI stores, the only thing you as a consumer can do is shop at other retail stores like Walmart, Best Buy, and several other options. After coming through the whole article. There should be no doubt why ALDI does not plan to introduce one of their stores in the Western part of the United States and why they have an enormous number of stores in Florida. If you reside in California there, you can easily find an ALDI store near you.

Q1 Does ALDI have any stores in the Western part of the United States?Yes, many ALDI locations can be found in California, which is located in the Western part of the United States.

Q2 Is there an ALDI store in Puerto Rico?

No, if you reside in Puerto Rico, you will not be able to find an ALDI store near you.